How to Grow Your Business with Translations
Translating Your Content Can Boost Business Success
Think of translation not as an end goal, but rather a means to increase your reach and revenue by connecting with foreign language audiences.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Both domestic and foreign multilingual markets offer opportunities for businesses to grow. Translation is the bridge to those opportunities.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Translations Can Expand Your Market Reach and Boost Revenue Locally
Countries around the world are increasingly multilingual and the USA is no exception. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, almost half of residents in America’s largest cities speak a foreign language.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
If you aren’t connecting with multilingual consumers, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Some may argue that since many foreign language speakers also speak English, there isn’t a need for translation. However, a study highlighted in Harvard Business Review states that there is an undeniably strong link between in-language content and a consumer’s likelihood of making a purchase.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
According to the study, 72.4% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product with information in their own language.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Translations Aid Global Expansion and Enhance Brand Awareness Worldwide
Global internet use is accelerating and this means an increasingly non-native English speaking world economy. According to internet world stats, English only makes up 25% of the languages used on the web.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Translation isn’t only helpful to reach global audiences—when linguistically and culturally relevant it can have a positive impact on brand awareness and help your business to resonate with foreign target markets.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Translations Are Legally Required to Do Business in Some Countries
Sometimes translation isn’t an option but rather a requirement to do business.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
In the USA, for example, virtually all health care providers must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the courts—including the U.S. Supreme Court—have interpreted Title VI to protect national-origin minorities with limited English proficiency (LEP). Therefore, health care providers receiving federal funding must ensure that they offer meaningful access to LEP patients.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Internationally, several governments mandate that for a product to be sold in their countries, its literature needs to be translated into the local language.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
For example, Canada’s official languages are Canadian French and English and each region has varying language regulation per province. Businesses can be penalized if they don’t adhere to the laws of each region.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
In Quebec, for example, the Charter Of The French Language outlines a list of product content that needs to be in French, including marketing collateral like catalogs and brochures. Software and product warranties must also be available in French.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Translations Allow You to Tap into the Global Workforce
Translation can empower businesses to expand their global workforce, giving them access to international talent pools and lower manufacturing costs.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
The translation of HR material like contracts, employee handbooks and codes of conduct is essential to global business management.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Also, by translating internal communication, newsletters, and social media posts, global companies can maintain high employee engagement and a positive global organizational culture.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Translations Increase Global Participation and Enrollment文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Global participation in research and development can enhance data and contribute to the success of new products.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
For example, clinical research organizations (CROs) leverage translations to conduct both domestic and global trials and attract diverse participation.文章源自WordsLinker-https://www.WordsLinker.com/how-to-grow-your-business-with-translations.html
Accurate representation of patient populations in clinical trials equates to a reduced risk of post-market unexpected adverse events.
The FDA also actively encourages more diversity in clinical trials.
Multilingual Audiences Offer New Opportunities
As online domestic and global markets become increasingly multilingual, there are more opportunities for businesses to grow.
Companies that understand the value of translations will use them to increase their revenue, enhance global brand awareness, and collaborate with diverse populations.
Original Copyright Content Created by WordsLinker LLC.
